Advance Excel Courses in Mumbai

JM Computer Institute offers one of the best Advance Excel Courses in Mumbai. The institute offers an Advanced Excel ITC Certification Course.
It has a dedicated team of skilled teachers who provides practical training to help the students develop a better future.
Our Advance Excel Course includes
- Introduction to Excel
- Formulas & Functions
- Vlookup & Hlookup
- PIVOT Table & Charts
- PMT Function for Loan
- Goal Seek & Link Multiple Sheets
- Introduction to Macros
Course Fees
Course Duration: 3 Months
ITC Course Certification.
100% Placement Assistance.
Hands on Practical Experience
Expert Trainers
Excel Courses Module with ITC Certification.
♦ Interface
♦ Menu System
♦ Fundamentals of Spreadsheets
♦ Short Cut Keys
♦ Changing Excel’s Default Options Using AutoCorrect and Customizing It Customizing the Ribbon
♦ Using Functions – Sum, Average, Max, Min, Count, Counta
♦ Absolute, Mixed, and Relative Referencing.
♦ Upper, Lower, Proper
♦ Left, Mid, Right
♦ Trim, Len, Exact
♦ Concatenate
♦ Find, Substitute
♦ Today, Now
♦ Date, Date if, DateAdd
♦ Day, Month, Year
♦ Month, Weekday
♦ SumIf, SumIfs CountIf, CountIfs AverageIf, AverageIfs
♦ Formatting Cells with Number formats, Font formats, Alignment, Borders, etc
♦ Basic conditional formatting
♦ File Level Protection
♦ Workbook, Worksheet Protection
♦ Setting Up Print Area
♦ Customizing Headers & Footers
♦ Designing the structure of a template
♦ Print Titles –Repeat Rows / Columns
♦ Paste Formulas, Paste Formats
♦ Transpose Tables
♦ Paste Validations
♦ Filtering on Text, Numbers & Colors
♦ Sorting Options
♦ Advanced Filters on 15-20 different criteria(s)
♦ Setting Up Print Area
♦ Print Titles –Repeat Rows / Columns
♦ Designing the structure of a template
♦ Customizing Headers & Footers
Advance Excel Courses Module
♦ Number, Date & Time Validation
♦ Dynamic Dropdown List Creation using Data Validation – Dependency List
♦ Custom validations based on a formula for a cell
♦ Text and List Validation
♦ Goal Seek
♦ Data Tables (PMT Function)
♦ Solver Tool
♦ Scenario Analysis
♦ If Function
♦ Complex if and or functions
♦ Nested If
♦ How to Fix Errors – iferror
♦ Creating Simple Pivot Tables
♦ Classic Pivot table
♦ Basic and Advanced Value Field Setting
♦ Calculated Field & Calculated Items
♦ Grouping based on numbers and Dates
♦ Vlookup / HLookup
♦ Vlookup with Helper Columns
♦ Creating Smooth User Interface Using Lookup
♦ Index and Match
♦ Reverse Lookup using Choose Function
♦ Nested VLookup
♦ Worksheet linking using Indirect
♦ What are the Array Formulas, Use of the Array Formulas?
♦ Array with if, len, and mid functions formulas.
♦ Basic Examples of Arrays (Using ctrl+shift+enter).
♦ Advanced Use of formulas with Array.
♦ Array with Lookup functions.
♦ Planning a Dashboard
♦ Adding Dynamic Contents to Dashboard
♦ Adding Tables and Charts to Dashboard
♦ Using SLICERS, Filter data with Slicers
♦ Various Charts i.e. Bar Charts / Pie Charts / Line Charts
♦ Manage Primary and Secondary Axis
Macro Course Module
♦ Recording and editing macros
♦ Adding user interaction
♦ Adding programming techniques like decision making and looping structures
♦ Using variables
♦ Debugging your code
It depends on the course you select. Class will be 6 days in a week. Sunday will be holiday. Each day course will be for 1 hour.
You will receive an ITC Certification (Information Technology Council) which is government recognised and valid all over India.
Yes definitely you will be getting support after the course. But it depends on what kind of support you need.
At the time of enquiry we use to do counselling of the candidate, understand their needs and accordingly suggest them their best courses.
Any course you select, it would be knowledge based. Less theory and more practical. We provide project works to do, to rectify your mistakes and clear your doubts.
Any course you select, it would be knowledge based, it would develop your skill and it would be helpful for you to crack any interview related to the course and your educational qualification.